MAY 8, 2023

1 Peter 5:7

Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.

Anxiety disorders affects 1 in 10 of the population in Canada, making it the most common mental illness in our country according to Health Canada, and the Canadian Mental Health Association. Anxiety has become a reality for people of all ages, education, income levels, and cultures and many deal with it in big and small ways. As you are likely aware, for some of our fellow citizens it is debilitating.

But there is good news. God has something to say about this experience called anxiety. I know we get the impression sometimes that anxiety is something new, something modern. Truth be told there is nothing new about it. From the very beginning when this world became broken through the choices of Adam and Eve, to choose their own way instead of God’s way, fear entered the picture and began to create its turmoil. Anxiety was borne.

In the Bible anxiety is expressed as a concern about some thing or event, which disturbs the mind, and keeps it in a state of painful uneasiness and restlessness. Contemporary definitions generally say “anxiety is a feeling of fear, dread, and uneasiness.”

This week we will look into God’s promises and His truth when it comes to responding to anxiety. Whether you deal with it personally, or simply have friends or loved ones who do, God’s Word is a powerful help toward understanding and healing.

For Today, let us be reminded how much God cares about the anxiety you deal with – so much so, that God invites you to cast or throw it on Him.

Cast all your anxiety on him
because he cares for you.

1 Peter 5:7


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