

1 Thessalonians 5:23-24 

Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you entirely; and may your spirit and soul and body be kept complete, without blame at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Faithful is He who calls you, and He also will do it.


How often do you stop to consider the relationship between your body, soul, and spirit? These are all part of what makes us who we are. We can notice from today’s passage that the writer Paul, highlights for us that God works in and through these to sanctify us. Sanctify is a bible word that means to be set apart for God’s unique purpose.

You have likely noticed, as I have, that the unfortunate reality in our city and country, is that we are seeing a widespread increase, an outbreak of broken bodies, souls, and spirits, manifesting itself in debilitating anxiety, depression, self-harm, suicide thoughts, and attempts. Perhaps you’ve struggled in one or more of these areas. I want you to know and remember You are not alone, even though it feels that way at times. I know from personal experience what is to experience brokenness like this.

In the words of our scripture today, the apostle Paul prays for the church in Thessalonica, words that transcend Thessalonica, and speak to you and me where we live. Paul reminds us of God’s care for each of us and His desire for our innermost parts to be complete, whole, and safeguarded. In the original Greek words that the New Testament was written in, there are two words which Paul uses; “tereo “ which means “to attend to carefully, to take care of, to guard.” And “holokleros” meaning “without blemish or defect.” And the good news? God is faithful in the midst of our struggles with brokenness in spirit, soul and body to bring healing and wholeness. I know this because God has done it for me!

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