

 DECEMBER 3, 2022

Genesis 2:16

“You are free to eat from any tree, but not the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.”

You have no doubt heard or maybe said the following that "with great power comes great responsibility." For example, in most superhero stories, the story is driven forward by how the question: What will they do with their “special powers”?, will be answered. Scripture reveals that human beings are the height of God’s creation. God created us for worship and work and gave special significance and privileges to us. Think of it, no other creature has the breath of God’s life in them or bears the likeness of God’s image upon them. In the creation story there is what I view as an extreme risk that God chooses to offer. God granted humankind with freedom to choose to trust him and take him at his word and follow him willingly from their hearts. Why? Because love given freely is love at its best. So, God’s story is driven by a question like many superhero stories: What will humanity/WE do with this special gift?

It turns out, we blew it! Genesis 3 details the painful reality that humankind/We chose to doubt God and listen to other ‘wiser’ voices, exposing ourselves to the attraction and damaging power of evil. Thankfully, God’s story does not end there. Its great theme is about God’s plan to rescue us from evil’s grip, to rid the world of evil’s power, to restore all things to an even better state than what we started with, and to offer us another chance at life the way God intended. All this is ours through Jesus – the forerunner of God’s new humanity and proof of his new creation.

The question for us today may just be this:

“Whose voice have you been listening to in your life?”

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