DECEMBER 17, 2022

Judges 6:15-16

“But Lord, …how can I save Israel? My clan is the weakest in Manasseh, and I am the least in my family?” The Lord answered, “I’ll be with you….”

This story comes from a period is Israel’s history when it was weak – very weak. They had not been listening to God. I want to acknowledge that the damaging forces in our life are not always our fault but let’s be honest sometimes they are. In this story the destructive forces were Israel’s fault. Here is the backstory, during this time, whenever it was harvest time Israel’s neighbors would invade and destroy its crops and cattle. For an agricultural society, this was as bad as it could get. Eventually they came to their senses. God chose Gideon, the weakest of the weak, (Gideon’s own words) and through him, God defeated the enemy so Israel could flourish again.

We remember at Christmas the amazing gift of God. God himself took on the weakness of humanity to lovingly show us his way. So that we could flourish. That we might have and realize his abundant life!

Jesus came to give hope and strength through his Spirit even in our weakest moments. He speaks to us through the words of 2 Corinthians “My grace is enough; it’s all you need. My strength comes into its own in your weakness.”

We relate to Gideon's words don't we? “But Lord, …how can I save Israel? (How can I be of use to you? How can I fulfill this call?) My clan is the weakest ..., and I am the least in my family?” As God spoke to Gideon in his doubts, he speaks to us in those moments doubting as well, and says “I’ll be with you….” Ah, there it is yet again the Promise of God's presence with us. Our Emmanuel!!


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