DECEMBER 11, 2022

Exodus 3: 11-12

“Moses said, ‘WHO AM I to go to the king and lead your people out of Egypt?’ God replied, ‘I WILL BE WITH YOU.’”

Moses faced two questions at once “Who is God?” and the question of his own identity, “Who am I? You see God was asking Moses to be a leader of his people, who were under the stifling and oppressive rule of a harsh king. God’s intention for Moses was to lead the people out of Egypt, away from the ruthlessness of Pharaoh. 

Let us admit that was no small calling. Moses response was he didn’t meet the requirements for such a task. I picture Moses with his eyes darting in all directions looking for a way to escape this divine call. Moses had recently returned from many years in exile where he had been an ordinary shepherd; he was getting up there in age; add to this that he was a foreigner. By Moses calculations and assessment of the task Pharaoh had the upper hand.

God’s intention was to take Moses’ focus off his perceived inability and have him place his focus where it should be, on God’s ability. God’s plan, that included Moses, was to be a savior and a rescuer for His people. Here again, the creator God makes a bold promise. God says that his presence would guide Moses, sustain Moses, and assure him of a positive outcome.

Like Moses, we also struggle with the questions of “who we are” or “who God is” when we face difficult, stifling, and oppressive situations. Who is God then in those moments? Moses received an unexpected answer to this very basic question, God’s word of assurance: “I will be with you.” During this Advent/Christmas season we have our eyes focused on God’s promised deliverer who came to us in “the word made flesh” and through his coming he says to each one of us that his presence is with us too.

I wonder if we can be so focused on our perceived inabilities and shortcomings that we miss the great reality that God is our savior and is always present with us. Can we see God as our Redeemer and guide? Do we live out of the amazing truth of what the apostle Paul wrote about, “I can do all things through Christ who gives me the strength”?

Let us trust God’s words of assurance today! “I will be with you.”


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