

 DECEMBER 12, 2022

Exodus 6:6

“‘I am the Lord, and I will bring you out from under the yoke of the Egyptians. I will free you from being slaves to them, and I will redeem you with an outstretched arm and with mighty acts of judgment.”

The Israelites had been in slavery for centuries. They were worn down. Their hope had nearly run out. But God made them a promise, "I will set you free." God then demonstrated his ability to keep that promise through unbelievable signs, that ultimately would lead to Israel’s release from Egyptian slavery.

Moses was a messenger with great news. God was promising to free His people, yet hopelessness kept them from accepting that promise. The Bible says, “... they refused to listen anymore. They had become too discouraged by the brutality of their slavery” (Exodus 6:9, NLT).

Are there stretches in your life where you get so caught up in what’s happening around you, that hopelessness causes you to find it hard to believe God’s promises or God’s ability? We can be so blinded or distracted by our circumstances we fail to listen or hear when the God speaks. God keeps pursuing us the same way He kept pursuing Moses and His people in Egypt.

This is a remarkable truth don’t you think? God keeps pursuing us, in our hopelessness and the resulting deafness to God’s promises, he keeps reaching and speaking. You see God wants the best for us. What he promises to do in our lives is “to our good.” And over time, as we lean in and listen, we begin to find the truth of God’s promises. The God who promised and delivered freedom to the Israelites still says to us now, “I will free you.” At Christmas we celebrate Christ who entered our world to set the captives free.


What, stops you from hearing from God?

What do you need to be liberated from?

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