

 DECEMBER 27, 2022

John 14:27

“My Peace I Give to You.”

The word peace is common in most languages. People can talk about peace treaties or times of peace; it means the absence of war. And in the Bible, the word peace can refer to the absence of conflict, but it also points to the presence of something better in its place.

Two words in the Bible stand out, the Old Testament word “Shalom” and the New Testament word “Eirene” both can be translated as “peace,” but the meaning of these words suggests that the peace described in the bible is the presence of completeness and wholeness as a outcome of restoration.

The core idea in the scriptures is that life is complex, full of moving parts and relationships and situations, and when any of these is out of alignment or missing, then “peace” breaks down. Life is no longer whole as God intended. It needs to be restored.

So, the prophet Isaiah, in chapter 9 looked forward to a future king, a prince of Peace. And this Prince’s reign would bring ‘Peace” with no end. Isaiah looks toward a time when God would make a covenant of peace with his people and make right all wrongs and heal all that’s been broken.

Jesus’s birth, as the New Testament Nativity texts reveal, was announced as the arrival of Peace. Jesus came to offer his peace to others, just like when he said to his followers, “My peace I give to you all.”

The idea is that Jesus restored to wholeness the broken relationship between humans and their Creator. Therefore, the apostle Paul can say Jesus himself is our Peace.

Remember the question Chris Rice posed in his song “Peace on Earth, Did the angels waste their words?’ later in his song he writes

Peace with God, peace with God
Offered through one Holy Child
Even when this life is hard
There can be peace with God
There can be peace with God.

Peace requires taking what’s broken and restoring it to wholeness, whether it’s in our lives, our relationships, or in our world. And that’s the rich biblical concept of peace.

So, the Angels declare to the shepherds, and to us, a promise,

“Glory to God in highest heaven,
and peace on earth ….”

And now may the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:7

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