


JANUARY 12, 2024

Luke 2:39-40, 52

And when they had performed everything according to the Law of the Lord, they returned into Galilee, to their own town of Nazareth. And the Child grew and became strong, filled with wisdom. And the favor of God was upon Him ... And Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and man.

The above passage really grabbed me this year as I read the various texts for Advent and Christmas. Think of the scriptures we have read, Angels appearing to Mary and Joseph with news that Mary was with child by the Holy Spirit’s action, being told “Do Not Fear.” Then there was this whole census thing, where a late in pregnancy Mary, travels with Joseph to Bethlehem, Joseph’s hometown, and the best accommodation they can find is a stable with the animals. I have often wondered if Joseph was from the Bethlehem region, was He and Mary not welcome because of her pregnancy among his family? Where was I, or yes, a stable and then the birth of Jesus and resting him a manger, a feed trough. Yet, things are not over yet, are they. Angels appear to Shepherds, Shepherds come and see that a Saviour is born, in David’s City. Then there is the Wisemen who show up, and the stir caused by their presence in Jerusalem, and ole King Herod gets enraged, and then orders the “murder of the innocents,” young boys in the region. Then we have the Holy Family, Mary, Joseph, and Jesus, become refugees to escape Herod’s killing spree. Now go back and read our verse for today.

What really impressed me with this verse is that it describes, as one writer put it, “the quiet years of Jesus' life,” years when the most unusual thing that happened was the time that Mary and Joseph misplaced Him in Jerusalem for a couple of days and found Him again (see Luke 2). Other than that, a normal life for the Son of God. Learning basic life skills from His mother and carpentry skills from His father. Praying with His parents. Going to school with His classmates at the local synagogue. Learning to read and write. Learning to know the Bible expertly.

And throughout this time that our verse describes, there was also the world around Him, from which Jesus drew so many of His parables later. Harvest and planting. Shepherds with their sheep. Men out on fishing boats. Builders who did their job well—or poorly. Families and their disagreements.

During this time in Nazareth, Jesus was being prepared and made ready for the heart of His mission. He would teach, preach, heal, and ultimately embrace the Father’s loving will in His own suffering and death on the cross, the demonstration of God’s desire to save, restore, and lead us to abundant life, resurrected life, opening everlasting life to all of us who would love and follow Him. What Love!!

All of this has had me reflecting on my messy story, and the difficult struggle in our Church family in the past few years. So, I wonder what has, and is, God making you prepared and ready for from the hard places on your life? What has, and is, God preparing us for. as his community, to embrace the mission that is our calling?

Messy Years + Quiet Years + Preparation = God’s Loving Mission in the world.

Count me in!! You Too?

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