

JANUARY 3, 2024

Matthew 2:9-10

After listening to the king, they went on their way. And behold, the star that they had seen when it rose went before them until it came to rest over the place where the Child was. When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy.

The experience of the Wisemen must have been difficult and troubling. They saw the star and traveled expectantly to the king's court in Jerusalem, expecting to meet the new "king of the Jews" among Herod's family. Instead, they encountered a King who knew nothing, and had to bring in his staff to help him respond to the question of these travelers. I find it interesting that these Eastern travelers seemed to understand better than Herod the Messianic expectations. They were not expecting what transpired in Jerusalem.

Now the Wisemen are headed to Bethlehem. I wonder what thoughts occupied their minds. “Are we even on the right path anymore?” “Have we travelled all this way for nothing?” Perhaps this is the backdrop to their rejoicing when the star reappeared. It was confirmation that they were going the right way. They continued their faithful steps led by this Star and they found the baby King in a house instead of a palace. They saw and understood that where the infant messiah is found, Palace or house, matters not, only that their eyes behold the “new Born King.”

Does this sound like your experience as well? There are times in our own lives where things start off “bright”, only to take a difficult turn that makes us wonder if somehow, we've lost our direction or misunderstood God's will. But we haven't. As we follow faithfully, we will discover what the Wisemen did, that God is still caring for us, guiding us, holding us up, even when unexpected things happen. Even when things in life have a different shape to them than we thought, or had hoped. Remember this: Through Jesus' life, death, and resurrection, God has made us His children. He has promised to be faithful, and he won't let go of us, even when the world around us turns dark. He will lead us to our destination, as the Wisemen experienced so long ago.

God, when I don't know what to do or where I'm going, guide me and uphold me. Amen.


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