JANUARY 8, 2024

John 1:2-3

“He was in the beginning with God.

All things came into being through him,

and without him not one thing came into being.”

Oh, the beautiful Creation!! God is all around, revealing God-colors and God-sounds and God’s wonderful designs. This is true no matter the season, yes even in Winter. Even in the lightest dusting of snow, where the fresh fallen snow sits resting on the barren branches of trees, or lays undisturbed on our lawns. How about the cool designs that frost leaves on our windows? Doesn’t the appearance of the Sun even for few hours in those darker days of winter lift our spirits toward our Creator.

Our reading says that "All things came into being through God and without God, not one thing came into being." What if we looked at the world through this lens? What if we looked at life, people, and situations through "God-goggles"? I wonder, how that would change the way we treat each other, the natural world around us, and even ourselves. Pause and reflect on such a notion, what might be different if we viewed “all things” that we encounter daily as revealing God’s presence, as signs that point to the experience of Immanuel: God with Us.

Perhaps our prayer today might be to ask the Holy Spirit to help us to look around with great intention and humbleness, to see the world the way God sees it.

Here is a challenge for us today, look in the mirror and think about seeing yourself as God sees you. What changes in your view of the image in the mirror?


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