

JANUARY 19, 2024

John 10:27

Jesus said, “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.”

Jesus gives us a graphic picture in this verse, showing us that He is the Shepherd, and you and I are His sheep. 

The job of being a shepherd is not glorious. That is one of the reasons the Angel announcement of "Good News of great Joy” to the  shepherds in the Christmas story is so profound. Shepherds are outside with the sheep almost nonstop, in every season and every kind of weather. They lead their sheep to food and water, they lead them to safe places to sleep, they pull burrs out of their coats, they rescue them when they fall or get lost. Shepherds are even known to sleep outside with the sheep. There’s nothing glamorous or comfortable about being a shepherd.

So it is interesting, that this is how Jesus sees Himself in relation to you and me. He reaches out to embrace us and care for us. In John 10:11, He said, “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives His life for the sheep.” In love he has given His life for us, just like any good shepherd who lives to protect, guide, care for, and give his life for his sheep. Then in John 10:27 we are told that the “Good Shepherd” speaks to us, and we hear Him!

Sheep Ranchers will tell you that the sheep learn to recognize their shepherd’s voice because a good shepherd is always with his sheep, leading, helping, and guiding them. They spend a lot of time together, and the sheep trust the Shepherd. There could be other shepherds around, but when the sheep hear the voice of their own shepherd, they recognize it, and they follow. That is the way it is for us too, isn't it, we hear the voice of our Good Shepherd - Jesus, and we recognize the voice and we follow.

This “Shepherd” image is a very comforting image, don’t you find? Jesus as our shepherd is with us nonstop, in every season, in all kinds of weather, joyful, painful, hurtful, or confusing, our shepherd is with us, to lead us to the food and water that nourishes our souls, to safe places for rest, and yes, even when things get messy, and we lose our way, Jesus is our rescuer. Love does that!!

Jesus said: ‘I am the good shepherd' and so we pray:

Good Shepherd, watch over us today In all we face and experience.
Never leave us or forsake us and journey with us always.
Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

Good Shepherd, you know us as no-one else knows us.
Guard us and keep us,
As you guard and keep those whom we love.
Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

Good Shepherd, we pray for the sick and the lonely;
For the anxious and the bereaved;
for those whose pain is beyond our comprehension.
We stand with them and commend them to your care.
Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

Good Shepherd, we pray for the caregivers in hospitals and in homes and for all who serve the needs of others.
May the example of living compassion Inspire us in our care for others.
Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

Good Shepherd, you know the depths of our heart and the fears which are ours.
Speak into the depths of our heart and calm our fears.
Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

Good Shepherd, you know us by our name and our identity is not hidden from you.
Gather us to yourself as a shepherd gathers the sheep, that we might know your Name.
Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.


(A Prayer from the Church of Scotland)

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