AUGUST 10, 2023

Psalm 46:10

“He says, ‘Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”


When it comes to spiritual rest, we have a choice. We can either avoid it and run from it or embrace it. Many of us have heard the story of Mary and Martha in Luke Chapter 10. During this occurrence, Jesus was visiting the two sisters. Martha was busy trying to make sure everything was in order and all the tasks were done. Mary was content just sitting and listening to Jesus. Jesus praised Mary’s attitude and said that it was the better path.

Rest is a gift from God but it is our decision on how we will receive it. Are we worried or upset about many things and therefore not able to embrace rest like Martha? Perhaps, we are hesitant to slow down, or pause because we want to keep pushing ourselves to achieve the unfinished tasks. On the other hand, perhaps we are like Mary and embrace moments of quiet and being in God’s presence when they present themselves. We can choose to embrace spiritual rest and let our souls be renewed. So let us sit at Jesus feet, lets be still in God's presence and rest and grow.


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