


August 16, 2023

1 Peter 3:15

“But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.”



I believe that the followers of Jesus, we Christians have something that is valuable for our culture today, hope. We confess that our hope is found in Jesus Christ and his liberating sacrifice for us. 1 Peter 3:15 tells us to “always be prepared to … give a reason for the hope that you have.”

Sharing your faith story might not always be an easy task, especially if you are afraid of being judged or looked at differently because of what you believe. It may seem intimidating at times.

Yet, sharing the Gospel does not have to be a source of stress or strain, rather it can be an exciting chance to share your story that illustrates what Jesus has done for you, and what Jesus means to you. That is what our role is, the Holy Spirit will touch people’s hearts through your words.

So, share your story or testimony when an opportunity is given. When you share your story, you form a personal connection with others, you can talk about how Jesus has personally impacted you. You are not trying to force anything on another, you are just saying that faith in Jesus and your experience of Jesus’ work in your life has given you hope, or peace, or joy, … In these moments you are sharing your own experience and letting the Holy Spirit look after the outcome of your words.  What we need to remember is that we are just planting seeds of hope. We are Sowers planting the seed of hope with gentleness and respect, through the way we live and yes, sometimes through the things we say.


“Declare his glory among the nations, 

his marvelous deeds among all peoples.”

Psalms 96:3

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