AUGUST 29, 2023

Philippians 2:3-4

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.


Often, we can view serving as a duty.  But let us remember that the kind of serving God desires initiates from the heart. A heart of humility.

I believe you will agree that humility is countercultural. If you think about it from an early age, we are conditioned to think and believe that “it’s all about me.” Child-centered parenting, a continual bombardment of media messaging, and our own natural inclinations shape us toward a “me first” perception.

Jesus demonstrated a life that is always countercultural. A life that goes against the flow. And to follow Him faithfully, you and I must intentionally seek to cultivate humility in our lives.

The humility that the Bible calls us toward is marked by these three characteristics,

Complete dependence on God’s mercy              Luke 18:10-14
Unconcern for power, prestige, and position    Matthew 23:8
Wholehearted acceptance of God’s Word         
Philippians 2:6-8                                                                                                                       



Read through today’s passage a couple of times, and as you do, reflect upon your own heart. Ask God to reveal your motivations in the things you choose to spend your time doing, and to lead you toward greater humility.


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