AUGUST 2, 2023


Romans 8:28

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.




One thing this promise allows us to do is relax. This promise does not mean we must get everything right. Rather our reading says that God works with our successes and our good decisions. God works with our failures and our bad choices too. God works in our high moments. God works in our low moments. God works all things for good.

The most important part of this promise to focus on, is loving God. If we love God, and I know we do, what we discover is that we will desire to do his will, to honor and glorify his name, and set our hearts on doing what pleases our creator. When we desire God’s will, God will take all things and work them for our good.

A promise is only as good as the person who is making it. Agree?  Thankfully God has a perfect track record of doing what he says he will do. What God works in our life is inherently for our benefit and has our best interest at heart.

This does not mean we will get everything we want in the way we want it. It means God will take everything we do and everything that happens to us and will rework it for our good. Yes we may lose our job, face a health challenge, or face another difficult life situation. This promise does not shield us from that. However, we can be confident in knowing that if we set our heart on loving God, he will take even the most difficult of life’s circumstances and shape them in such a way that they will be for our good. So, Relax and Trust God.




Can you think of a time when something bad turned out to be for your good?

What’s one area of your life where you struggle most to believe this promise? Surrender that area to God, ask God to help you in your struggle to trust the promise.


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