

 AUGUST 31, 2023

2 Timothy 1:9

 “It is He who saved us and chose us for His holy work, not because we deserved it, but because that was His plan long before the world began.”


Have you ever reflected on the notion that we are not simply saved from something, but we are saved FOR something? According to today’s verse, we have been saved and chosen to do God’s work, the really powerful thing to me is that this role has been God’s plan all along. What a revelation that is!

I don’t know if we grasp this as fully as we should. Just think with me for a moment, God provided a  rescue (salvation) on our behalf so that we could then turn around as Christ’s Ambassadors and do the same for others, tell them about God's amazing grace, help those around us to learn and see that God is the rescuer we need.  The best way for us to carry this calling out is to eagerly serve God for Kingdom purposes.

What does that look like? Scripture demonstrates an abundance of ways that this can take place in our lives. As we noted a couple days ago, as members of the body of Christ, we have talents and giftedness that God will use for Kingdom work.

Teaching, giving, encouraging, leading, and showing mercy are all highlighted in Romans 12. Matthew 25 highlights the significance of offering food to the hungry, hospitality to a stranger, care for the sick, visits for prisoners, offering clothing for the naked. Jesus emphasizes the importance of bringing children to know and experience Him in Mark 10. These are just a few examples we encounter in God's word.

Let me ask, What is the holy work to which you’ve been gifted and called?



Perhaps you are unsure of your gifts, and how God might want to use you. Let me suggest as a beginning point, that you pray and ask God where and how He would have you carry out the holy work to which you are called. And then as you listen for God’s voice,  respond in faithful obedience, to his call.


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