


JUNE 15, 2023

John 21:19-22

“Then he said to him, “Follow me! “Peter turned and saw that the disciple whom Jesus loved was following them. (This was the one who had leaned back against Jesus at the supper and had said, “Lord, who is going to betray you?”) When Peter saw him, he asked, “Lord, what about him?”2 Jesus answered, “If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? You must follow me.”

In the story of the disciples, particularly from the perspective of John, (who also happened to be the youngest of them all) you’ll see a little “brotherly comparison” going on between Peter and John.

In John 13:23 we see John identifying himself (he wrote this Gospel after all) as the “disciple Jesus loved” and there he was reclining next to Jesus, as though in the seat of honor. On the morning of resurrection, after the women’s report, we’re told in John 20:3-4 that Peter and John raced to the tomb and John beat Peter to it. And just in case you missed this little detail, he repeats it in verse 8, and he makes sure we remember that he’s the disciple that Jesus loved.

In the next chapter, we see their competition again when, in John 21:7, they are out fishing and the resurrected Jesus is on the shore cooking fish. At first, they don’t recognize Jesus, but then, when Jesus calls to them, John (again referring to himself as the disciple Jesus loved) calls out “it is the Lord!”. Immediately, Peter jumps into the water to get to Jesus first.

All of this happens before the little scene in our reading today. Jesus is telling Peter what is ahead for him as his follower. When Peter asks, “what about him?” (referring to John) Jesus gently reminds him to forget John, and keep his eyes on Jesus alone. “Follow me”, Jesus says.

I find these to be very suitable words for us as well. To whomever, or whatever we may find ourselves comparing, Jesus says to us, “…what is that to you? Follow me.”


How might you take your eyes off those areas where you tend to compare, and instead set your focus on following Jesus?

What impact might this have on your life, to shift your focus on Jesus alone?


Heavenly Father, would you help me to fix my eyes on you today? Please work in me to turn my attention toward you in all things. I put my hope and my confidence in you right now. Thank you for your faithfulness to me. Amen.


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