JUNE 26, 2023

James 5:16

“Therefore, confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed…”

We were created to be fully known and fully loved.

But the world we live in tells us that we can’t be fully known and fully loved. According to the world’s pattern, if you want to be fully loved, you must be only partially known, because if people knew everything there was to know about you, they're not going to like you, much less love you.

So, we believe this lie and we hide our true selves through many creative and guarded practices. I know this is true because I have lived there. Have you? Living in this guarded space can cause us to live in great tension and fear of someone finding out the things we wish to keep concealed.

But this is not what God intends. His intent is that we receive healing and wholeness from confessing our sins to one another, allowing ourselves to be fully known. It is only by being fully known that we can truly be fully healed and fully loved.

This concept is perfectly portrayed in the book, The Cure. The Cure suggests that this century’s religious obsession is sin-management. The authors view is that this has poisoned the Christian community, “obscuring the Original Good News and sending people away-wounded, angry and cynical, of any organized expression of faith.” The authors ask, “What if there’s a place that is so safe, that the worst of you could be known, and you’d be loved more, not less, in the telling of it?”

What we need to be know today and everyday is there is that place, and it’s right in the heart of God’s grace, lived out in the context of an authentic Christ-focused community.


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