
Heigh-Ho! Heigh-Ho! ......



Genesis 1:1-2

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.

Genesis 2:15

"The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to till it and keep it"

Exodus 20:9

9 Six days you shall labor and do all your work, 10 but the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God.

Happy Labor Day!!

For many, Labor Day signals the end of summer. But what evolved into just another long weekend began as a massive working class demonstration in the streets of Toronto for better working conditions for laborers. The push by the Printers Union for shorter workdays, 9 hours instead of the 12 hours they worked, became a driving force that awakened Governments to the need to recognize the contribution of Canadian laborers. So, in Parliament on July 23, 1894, Labor Day became a National holiday. It was a big victory and was a great day to recognize workers.

Today, labor Day signals the end of summer, the last long weekend before the September returns to “normal”. Loading up the BBQ as family and friends gather has become what Labor Day is all about. Of course, Windsor does still have the Labor Day Parade on this day which has its roots way back in history.

I believe Labor Day is a good day to pause, even if you do not get Labor Day off, and reflect that through our work God brings into the world food and drink, products and services, knowledge and beauty, organizations and communities, growth and health, and praise and glory to himself. Our work is meant to serve God’s purposes. It is largely in and through our work that we make a contribution to the common good, find meaning in our daily lives, as well as leave a footprint of influence in the world. I call us back to a few months ago, when we talked about saying a little prayer that I think seems appropriate to start our workday “Surely God is in this place. Help me Notice.”

"We are created in the image of God, and he modeled for us a way of life that makes sense for how we are created. Here's how to experience God’s rhythm of life he said: work, be creative, use your imagination, throw yourself into it, whether you are washing dishes, reading to your kids and running a household, or trading stocks, reading corporate reports, and running a business. …At the end of each day, stop. Take a rest, eat a good meal, get enough sleep, and refresh yourself. Take time to think about your day, to notice where God was in it and where you were blessed, and to say, "It's good." Then go back at it the next day. 

And take a Sabbath every week. And say, "It's really good." Spend a whole day just pausing, just reflecting on how really good the Creator is, and the value of our partnership with God in our work.

You see, work isn't something added on to the biblical story. It comes right at the start. In the beginning, God worked.


Thank you, God, for graciously revealing yourself to us in Scripture. The first thing you show us about yourself is that you are the God who created all things. You are a God who worked, and who is working still. May you work in and through my life today. Help me to see all of my work this day, and every day, as an imitation of your creativity. Amen.

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