

 FEBRUARY 2, 2023

Luke 5:5

Simon answered, ‘Master, we have worked all night long but have caught nothing. Yet if you say so, I will let down the nets’.

As followers, Jesus calls us to trust him in all of life. It’s one thing to trust him in the areas we have little competence in. You know the big overwhelming things. It’s another thing to trust him in the areas of life in which we think we have a bit of a handle on things, such as relationships with family and friends, maybe our professional work, our finances or perhaps even how the ministry and mission of the church are carried out.

Something challenging  happens in the well-known account of the calling of Jesus’ first disciples. Jesus gets their attention, not by calling them to trust him and obey his word about prayer or driving out demons but regarding the very activity they were experts at, namely fishing. These tired and frustrated fishermen had worked all night and caught nothing and then here comes the carpenter's son instructing them to try dropping their nets in another spot. To their amazement, it worked! They caught so many fish the nets began to break. For Simon Peter, this was so profound that he recognized the holiness of Jesus and felt unworthy in his presence, even asking Jesus to go away from him.

Jesus is, indeed, the holy one of God who is calling these disciples to follow him. Follow him all the way to the cross and empty tomb. This same call is upon you and me. As his disciples, he calls us to trust him not only for eternal life but in all areas of life. Even the parts of living we think we can handle ourselves.

Let me ask you today, now pause and reflect on this. “In what area of your life may Jesus be calling you to trust him?”


Jesus, thank you for calling me to follow you on the path leading to life. By your Spirit, lead me to trust you in all areas of my life, even when it’s challenging. Amen.

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