

 FEBRUARY 8, 2023

John 1:38a

When Jesus turned and saw them following him, he asked them: What are you looking for?

Read the full story in John 1:35–42

Interesting question! Interesting answer!

The two followers of John the Baptist knew that Jesus was worth getting to know, that in him was life. John the Baptist had given that hint earlier in John 1:19–34. “John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, “Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world! This is the one I meant when I said, ‘A man who comes after me has surpassed me because he was before me.” So, when John pointed out Jesus, they naturally went after him. But Jesus asked: “What are you looking for?” I believe most of us have asked ourselves that question. This question and longing and human struggle is at the core of many of us. That might explain why Rick Warren’s book The Purpose Driven Life became such a best seller. This longing might also point the reason the band U2 had a hit with a song that carried the title I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For.

These followers of John answered Jesus’ question with a question. However, their question avoided answering Jesus’ question, rather they asked, “where are you staying?” I want you to notice that Jesus isn’t thrown off by their response. He simply responded with “Come”, I will show you.” The more I read the gospels the more it is impressed on me that Jesus just met people where they were in life, engaged in conversation with them. Acceptance is important in life.

Look at the outcome, Andrew, one of the two followers, gains life. He says to his brother, Simon (Peter): we have found the Messiah, the Christ. Then, there were two disciples!

I wonder if there is an important message in this for us as we encounter people. What I notice in this account is that Jesus does not try to change Andrew, or push him to answer the question he averted. Jesus engaged Andrew by meeting him where he was. What a beautiful result, Andrew finds the Christ.

What are you looking for? Perhaps you know the answer, or perhaps like many, you are uncertain. Jesus simply invites you and me to spend time with him; to rest in his presence; to become overwhelmed with love and astounded by grace and overcome by his presence. It is this place of openness that Jesus can reveal himself, where we can discover who Jesus is and experience life in him. Try it you just might find what you are looking for.


Jesus, often we keep looking when the answer is right in front of us. Help us to pause in your presence, enjoy your company and then live with our eyes open. Amen.

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