


FEBRUARY 9, 2022


“Keep your heart with all vigilance, 

for from it flow the springs of  life.”




I have come to understand that if we are going to experience the full and abundant life that God has for us, we must learn to live with an open heart.  Living with this open heart is not always easy, because some of us are wounded and hurt by life experiences, as a result we live a closed off and self-protecting life. We go through our days with protective walls up around our hearts, and understandably so. Yet, in that state of being we can miss God’s nearness, fail to notice the time of God’s visitation.  God is calling us deeper, God’s wants us to know abundant life. He’s calling you and me to encounter him with an unrestricted access. God invites us to a safe, uncluttered, and vulnerable place where we will discover the benefits of an open heart: life, hope, peace, and joy.

Proverbs 4:23 says, “Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life.” Life comes from the heart both physically and spiritually. Just as the heart pumps blood out to the rest of your body, your heart pumps out spiritual life. In scripture “heart” often refers to a person's center for both physical and emotional-intellectual-moral activities. Our heart is the place where God is constantly speaking. God wants you to experience his presence at your very core.

I believe Jesus had this in mind for us, when in John 15:4 he says, “Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me.” God longs to be with you. God longs to speak to you, guide you, pour out his love on you, and remain with you every day, moment by moment. 

I invite us all to take time today to open our heart to our loving God. Ask God to reveal to you any walls you have built up around your heart. Cast down any walls you’ve built up at the feet of Jesus and open your heart to him. Today, may you find that newness that only God can provide.


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