

 October 3, 2024

1 Thessalonians 3:12

“And may the Lord make your love for one another and for all people grow and overflow, just as our love for you overflows” 

God's Word highlights the importance of love and commitment toward two distinct groups. The term "one another" refers specifically to fellow believers. Paul's message to the community of faith emphasizes the need to cultivate love with one another and to support each other's spiritual development and journey with God.

That sounds simple enough, right? Yet it is more difficult that it appears at first look. Think about it.Consider the numerous theological debates among Christians, encompassing topics such as spiritual gifts, prayer, evangelism, and worship. Who is in and who is out.

Disagreements arise regarding methodology. Debates occur over musical style preferences, budgeting for the church's finances, strategies for outreach, and use of the building.

Political differences can create divisions. It's possible for one Christian to become upset with another just for supporting a different political party.

Divisions over social issues are prevalent. Individuals who share a love for Jesus find themselves in debates over racial matters, gender topics, poverty alleviation, immigration, and various other concerns.

Setting aside theological, methodological, political, or social debates, the fundamental Biblical principle is that we should love each other. If you profess Jesus as the Lord of your life and consider yourself His follower, then I am committed to supporting your spiritual well-being and growth. It's my calling to love you with the love that God grants to me.

So the message is that as a Christian, it is not for us to select whom to love among my fellow believers. God's command is for us to love all fellow believers.

See what I mean loving one-another is a little more of a challenge than we might expect. However, remember the key message from yesterday?

This love is supernatural, a spiritual work that only God possesses and can give us. “And may the Lord make your love for one another and for all people grow and overflow, just as our love for you overflows” (1 Thess. 3:12) The phrase “one another” emphasizes all believers, the phrase “all people” refers to everyone else. Now if we have differences within the community of faith, then we definitely have different views with the "all People" around us. Here is the thing, the Bible teaches that regardless of where these "all people" sit in life or lifestyle or belief we are still to extend love to them. The only way that kind of love is going to happen is if the Lord himself by the indwelling of his Holy Spirit enables you and me to love them. Let's face it some of the "all people", not everyone but some, can be quite antagonistic toward you and me, they may ridicule, be deliberately crude and uncaring just because we follow Jesus. We are going to need that outside help aren't we. Well, remember the saying I mentioned in one of our devotions recently "a Command of God is equal to a Promise." we can count on this. If God commands this radical love from us he will stand ready with the promise to give us what we need to obey. Thanks be to God!!

Consider whom God might be guiding you to show love to. Reflect on how you can manifest that love.

Consider those who have shown you love, made sacrifices on your behalf, served you, blessed you, and prayed for you. Why not take a moment to express your gratitude for their love and friendship.

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