


September 23, 2024

Galatians 6:1-2

Dear brothers and sisters, if another believer is overcome by some sin, you who are godly should gently and humbly help that person back onto the right path. And be careful not to fall into the same temptation yourself. Share each other’s burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ.

Every once in a while I get drawn in to watching a video on restoration. You no the type of show that started becoming famous by the various "Home Makeover" franchise shows. 

Consider these drawers, for instance. With time, items can become damaged, worn, and less functional. However, there comes a moment when someone decides to rejuvenate a piece of furniture. They sand it down, replace a few parts, fix certain aspects, apply fresh paint, and gradually, the item appears as good as new, if not superior. That piece of furniture has been restored.

It's similar to restoring an old truck. Someone might take a truck that's been badly damaged by rust and the elements, replace a few parts, sand away the rust, apply a new coat of paint, and do various other refurbishments. Over time, the truck is transformed, looking as good as new, or even better.. They have restored that truck.

The Bible suggests that people, just  like trucks or a cabinet, can also need restoration. We are  taught that sin harms us, leading to emotional turmoil, tainted thoughts, and harmful actions. Sometimes, sin can be overwhelming, leaving us feeling trapped, imprisoned. It's important in these times for fellow believers to provide support, helping to repair our lives and steer us back onto the right path. Helping each other overcome sin is the key to unlocking the chains that bind us.

Galatians 6 discusses the biblical principle of mutual restoration. Specifically, Galatians 6:1-2 states, "Brothers and sisters, if someone is caught in a sin, you who live by the Spirit should restore that person gently. But watch yourselves, or you also may be tempted. Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way, you will fulfill the law of Christ." These verses encapsulate the idea of supporting and restoring one another within the faith community.

This is a "One-Anothering" theme that we do not discuss perhaps as often as we should. Mutual restoration is a beautiful witness to each other and to the world that as community members, as the body of Christ we are called to do life together, even in the messy parts where sin "crouches at the door" and even though we only open the door a crack, sin lays hold and takes control and dominates in a destructive way.

This week let us look together at this Biblical idea of restoration and be open to how God's Spirit will speak into our lives. Here are a couple of things for us consider today.

God’s Word says that when share each other’s burden we are helping one another experience restoration. Think about how you might respond to the following questions,

  1. Is there someone in your life who God wants you to help carry a burden in their life and to help them get back onto the right path?
  2. Are there individuals in your life, placed by God, who are attempting to assist you with your burdens and guide you back onto the right path? If so, what needs to change to Allow them to help you?

God, we constantly distort your image, but still you restore it. 
We daily betray your love, but still you extend it. 
We often disrupt fellowship, but still you bless it. 
Come unto us at this time and in this place, O Lord, 
that your image in us might be revealed, your love for us returned, 
and our fellowship in Christ renewed. Amen.

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