


September 26, 2024

“If another believer is overcome by some sin, you who are godly should gently and with humility help that person back onto the right path”

The minstry of restoring one another, Galatian 6 says requires gentleness. The term "gently" in the context of restoring others refers to the manner in which we help someone who has been overtaken by sin or error. It suggests a kind and humble approach, guiding them back to the right path without harshness or judgment. Paul's teachings here, on restoring one another with gentleness emphasizes the importance of helping each other overcome sins and obstacles in life with a kind and humble approach.

In moments where we are called to join with the Holy Spirit's work to mend a fractured relationship with Jesus Christ by addressing a barrier or sin, it's important to approach the situation with a gentle and kind spirit. Why? One good reason is that a softer approach ensures that when the reconciliation occurs, the person is free from any pain, hurt or emotional wounds from the process. Sin can deeply root itself in people's lives, and although removing it may be painful, it's important to approach the process with as much gentleness as possible. Restoring one another involves reestablishing their well-being with care and support.

Talk of restoration in the New Testament was applied in the following contexts. 
Restoring harmony between groups that were in conflict, it was also used to describe setting a broken bone, or putting a dislocated limb back in place, or to mend a broken net. As you may have gathering from our text it also has the idea of someone traveling down the wrong road but being corrected so they are headed in the right direction. The phrase “help that person back onto the right path” means to restore. That’s what is happening when we restore one another. We help oneanother find our way back to the path we need to be on for abundant living.

John 10:10 

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.

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