JANUARY 30, 2023

Isaiah 51:16

I have put my words in your mouth and covered you with the shadow of my hand – I who set the heavens in place, who laid the foundations of the earth, and who say to Zion, ‘You are my people’

Here we are reminded of the remarkable splendor of God and that we are his people! In Isaiah 51:9–16 we read of the actions of God, that reveals his “mighty arm” at work. Read the full passage and have a look at these awesome actions. I find it helpful at times to reflect on my relationship with God in a broader context by thinking and remembering God’s mighty acts: imagine the power to make the sea a pathway rather than a barrier. I wonder if we pause sufficiently to consider the power of our Creator God, and the access we have to this power as his worshipper.

I ask that question because here in our passage we are reminded that even though God’s people were rescued, they still forgot and turned away from God later. These mighty acts of God are remembered … and then forgotten. God’s saving activities are forgotten in the moment they begin to fear the oppressor or some temptation. When the struggle is real, they forget the ability and promises of God. Do you ever do that? I have, I do.

Contrast the responses of God’s people, and our own responses at times to forget and turn away from God to other things, with the final verse above. The God who set the heavens in place says, "You are my people". Do you hear that? We are not forgotten. We must not forget the one who covers us with the shadow of his hand.


Lord, help us remember your mighty acts, to read and learn from your word the wonderful promises to your people. God help us to be constantly aware of what you have done for us and assist us to remember that we are your people always. Amen.


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