

 NOVEMBER 14, 2022

Matthew 19:13-15

Then people brought little children to Jesus for him to place his hands on them and pray for them. But the disciples rebuked them. Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” When he had placed his hands on them, he went on from there.


When we read the words of today’s passage, it doesn’t seem that uncommon that Jesus would love on children the way He did. We’ve grown up singing, “Jesus loves the little children," and we live in a culture that generally values children.  Look at the City of Windsor as an example, notice the way that there has been investment in our parks with play structures, splash pads, bike trails, and recreational programs.

But in the first century, children were of extremely low status and held very little value. The disciples treated these children in our Gospel reading today, as an annoyance, as a bother. But Jesus took this opportunity once again to assign value to those who had little or none. And to show the heart of God for every human being.

“Let them come to me," he says. He invited them into His arms, and he touched them, blessed them, showing that His love has no boundaries.

I believe, Jesus is demonstrating the importance of sharing God’s love and truth with kids. This is something that we believe as a Community of Jesus, it is my prayer that we can continue to develop and grow our Ambassador Kid's programing.

It’s important, if we want to make the most of every opportunity, that we open our hearts and homes, our church, and give our time and resources, to share Christ’s love with kids.

After all, Jesus did and he is our example.


Take Away

What influence has God given you, or made available to you, when it comes to sharing Christ’s love with kids?

How might you give of your time and talent to do so?


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