DECEMBER 1, 2022

Isaiah 11:1

“A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse; from his roots a Branch will bear fruit.”

The Jesse Tree is basically an advent calendar that tells the story of God beginning with Creation following the story along to the leading of His people out of exile through Jesus Christ. Each day we will remember a different Bible story, showing how God has walked with His people throughout history, leading them to the promise of Christ, and revealing different parts of the promise along the way.

This advent season, as we wait for Christ’s birth and the celebration of His redemptive Hope, Joy, Peace, Love, and Light, let us wait with those who have come before us. Their Stories are our stories, we are all connected. Let us wait with the people who walked in faith, who sometimes really messed things up and yet observed miracles and unimaginable successes as they waited for God’s promise to unfold.

Even in the waiting God calls us to faithfulness.
Even in the darkness, God calls us to walk in light.
Come, you, who are already rejoicing
You, who are weary, lonely, or hopeless
Come, all who eagerly await the Saving One.


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