

 MAY 3, 2022

Dear Congregation,

Today I offer to you a Prayer Guide that I have found helpful recently. This prayer guide is meant to help you be aware, available, and attentive to God’s Presence. I hope this
 will become a regular and normal practice you do. Make it your own, please adapt it to make it fit you and your daily rhythms. (Morning, Noon, or Night)


Begin with words like this:

God, You have made this new day.           
Fill me with joy and gladness for it.


Sit silently, comfortably, free of distractions.

Closing your eyes might help.

Background music helps some people too.

Pray something like the following

(inhale) Surely You are in this place.

(exhale) Help me notice.

Continue this simple prayer with each breath, until you feel ready to move on. Perhaps one time is sufficient, but if you are like me you may need to pray these words a few times just to settle or quiet your spirit.


Jacob woke up from his sleep. He said, “Surely God is in this place! And I didn’t even notice!” He shook with awe." Incredible. Wonderful. Holy. This is God’s House. This is the Gate of Heaven.” (Genesis 28:16-17) 


God of every place, You came to Jacob the fugitive and showed him Your Presence. Come to me now, please, as I am today. Show Your Presence as I need You to be, now and in this day that unfolds. Amen


As you think about what is ahead on this new day, consider the following:

Who might you be encountering or spending time with?

What are you grateful for?

What are you looking forward to?

What are you worried about?

Are there burdens you have brought from yesterday?

Now offer these to God. You might not have a particular request. Just thinking of your responses, as you are aware of God's presence to whom your heart is open.


As you began, so finish with this. 
Become more aware and available to God’s Presence.

(inhale) Wherever I go, You are there.

(exhale) Help me notice.

As at the beginning continue until you feel ready to move on with your day.

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