


FEBRUARY 22, 2024

Genesis 12:1, 4

Now the LORD had said to Abram: Get out of your country, from your family and from your father’s house, to a land I will show you…So Abram departed as the LORD had spoken to him…” 


 In Joshua 24, as Joshua is reviewing covenant history, we read the following “Long ago your ancestors, including Terah the father of Abraham and Nahor, lived beyond the Euphrates River and worshiped other gods.” Joshua is talking about the ancient city of Ur. Ur was home to the moon god, “Nanna” also known as “Sin”. Now Ur was a wealthy city on a major trade route, I suspect that the people there probably considered the proper worship of the moon god “Nanna” very important to their financial strength and security. “Long live Nanna of the Ur-ites!” they would say.

Our text today tells us that God had a different plan for Abram and Sarai. This plan was one in which we see that Grace leads. The story demonstrates that God was showing how He can deliver His people. First, God moves dad, Terah, to Haran and then Abram and Sarai into the region known as Canaan. The description we have leads us to recognize that we are reading about a journey of grace.

Look at what occurs here in this passage, God directed Abram in the way he needed to go, in order to depart from the worship of false gods. In the process God was at work to bring Abraham into a covenant relationship of grace with Himself. Through Abraham and Sarah, God would create a nation for His glory. Through their heir, Jesus, God would be glorified and continue to make a people for Himself, even today.

As I reflected on this story, I was reminded of the Journey by Grace that I have been on. Like Abram and Sarai God by grace called me and directed me to turn toward a different path, a different way of life. Away from false gods and idols into the arms of God’s mercy and grace. What about your story? What has the Journey of Grace looked like for you? Today, take a few moments and reflect on the work of God's Grace in your life, and the way in which God is glorified in your story and “Give thanks with a grateful heart.”

Scripture reading: Genesis 11:27 – 12:4


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