



DECEMBER 20, 2023

Matthew 1:18b

 When His mother Mary had been betrothed to Joseph, before they came together she was found to be with Child from the Holy Spirit.


I wonder how much hurt and sorrow is found behind those simple words: "She was found to be with Child." Stop. Read those words again, “She was found to be with child.” Listen to the wording. These words imply that Mary did not have a chance to choose her time or place, to sit her family down and tell them about the angel's visit. No, "she was found to be with Child." Somebody noticed.

What do you think it might have been like?  Mary was supposed to be a virgin. Her wedding was coming up. The family would be disgraced. I suspect that this was a painful place for Mary and Joseph.

As I see it, perhaps it's a good thing that Jesus came into the world in such a thoroughly human, painful, and messy way. The backdrop to Jesus’ birth is one of shame, conflict, fighting, all these were a part of His life even before His birth. This makes Jesus a good Savior for us, don’t you think? Are you like me? Don’t we carry around with us the scars of shame and pain, too.

I believe the comforting message of the Bible is Jesus knows our shame, every bit of it, all the pain, all the grief. Isaiah says as much, “a man of sorrows, acquainted with grief.” Here is the key thing we need to be reminded of, Jesus knows grief, shame, and pain, but He does not add to our burden. No, He does the impossible and takes it upon His own shoulders and carries it all the way to the cross. Isaiah 53 describes it well, "he took up our pain and bore our suffering, . . . he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed." That’s grace, by His own shameful death Jesus removes our shame, pain and wounds, and with His resurrection He gives to us a new life, a clean slate marked by peace, forgiveness and love. Here is the overwhelming truth of this act of grace, you and me, we don't need to carry that pain any longer. Jesus takes it for us and from us. We are healed. Thanks be to God!


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