


OCTOBER 3, 2023

1 Corinthians 15:57

"But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”


Life has many ups and downs. Sometimes we may feel we are on top of the world, and everything is as it should be. Other times, we may be emotional, physically, or mentally on our last straw. This means at some points thankfulness and gratitude is easy, while at other times it may be the last thing on our minds.

As Followers of Jesus, even when we are at our very lowest, we know we have salvation through him. What an amazing gift this is for us,  we cannot even fully comprehend the sacrifice and the grace that Jesus has given us. We can forever be grateful for this gift of grace, no matter what is happening in our life or in the world around us.

I believe there is reason each day for us to give thanks to God for the great things He has done. Giving thanks does not have to be a grand gesture or complicated. In fact, it can be as simple as giving a prayer of thanks. Perhaps, we see a beautiful sunrise or enjoy a tasty meal. Maybe, we see someone do something kind or perhaps we have a little time to ourselves. We say, (Pray) “thank You, God.”

Do you find, as I do, that there are so many details in our daily lives we are trying to complete, that we can overlook if we are not careful, the “thankful moments” or events we experience. Each day brings new opportunity to be grateful and celebrate what God has done and is doing.

So here are some helps for us, some Thankfulness Activities that may just help us keep the thanksgiving mind set and be alert to God’s actions around us. Here are some ways we can practice and become a more thankful people:


Remember the gospel: The gospel message is powerful. We can never reflect on its beauty too much.

Notice the little things: Some people find it helpful to make a list of things they notice in their lives that they want to be thankful for. Others may mentally note what is good in their lives. For some, writing a song or making artwork may be a way to notice the little things.

Turn to scripture: The Bible is full of reasons for gratitude and testimonies of God’s goodness. Sometimes, a passage can speak to our hearts and give us new perspectives. When we spend time in God’s Word, we can grow our gratitude.

Use your gifts: At times we can forget the gifts God has blessed us with. Perhaps, we are good with numbers or love to sing. We can use our gifts to bring glory and gratitude to God.

Show gratitude and kindness to others: One way to develop an attitude of thankfulness is through expressing gratitude to those around us. Whether it be a stranger who bagged your groceries or friend who took time out of their day to help you, we can appreciate the things others do for us.

Praise and worship: Worship and praise is another way that we can practice building grateful habits and rejoicing in the Lord. Find or create a playlist that helps you to express thankfulness to God.

Colossians 3:16

Let the message about Christ, in all its richness, fill your lives. Teach and counsel each other with all the wisdom he gives. Sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs to God with thankful hearts.

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