


OCTOBER 19, 2023


Matthew 16:18 

Now I say to you that you are Peter (which means ‘rock’), and upon this rock I will build my church, and all the powers of hell will not conquer it.


Simon Peter, also known as Cephas in the Bible, was a fisherman. Jesus called him to follow him, and in following Jesus Peter was led into an extraordinary ministry. You may recall the account in Luke 5 that Peter and the others experienced the miracle of Jesus by catching plenty of fish, Peter acknowledged his sin (Luke 5:8). Jesus said to him, “… Follow Me and I will make you fishers of men.” He became one of the first followers of Jesus.

When Jesus walked on the water, Peter was the only disciple who climbed out of the boat to walk to Jesus. He was an enthusiastic, strong, and outspoken disciple. Yet for all his strengths, he had several failings in his life. Probably the most significant failing, we all remember, is when Peter boasted and said to Jesus, “Even if I have to die with You, I will not deny You!” (Mathew 26:33). At Jesus’ trial, when Peter was confronted, he denied knowing Jesus three times (Mathew 26:74).

After Jesus’s resurrection, Peter went back to his old business of fishing. Jesus showed up again by the water’s edge and repeated the miracle of the large catch of fish, we mentioned earlier, and Jesus fed Peter and his fellow fishermen, with love (John 21). Do You remember what Jesus asked Peter? “Simon, son of Jonah, do you love Me more than these?”, Peter answered, “Yes, Lord; You know that I love you.” Jesus said to him, “Feed My lambs”. Jesus asked the question three times and made him understand he had God’s approval of his ministry in Jesus’ name. Jesus had called Peter, and with covenant faithfulness continued to shape him into the leader that we witness in the book of Acts.

Jesus forgave and restored Peter and re-commissioned him. Notice, that Jesus does not scold Peter, doesn’t bring up his denial, isn’t accusatory toward Peter's denial. Rather Jesus speaks in the language of love, letting Peter know his call is still in effect. 

Isn’t that beautiful? We need to remember this story, when we have sinned or denied our Jesus connection, and we all do fail along the journey, we need to remember Jesus’ response to Peter was one of love, and forward looking. 

“Feed my lambs” Peter. This story is about Renewal, Rebuilding, and Restoring and God is faithful to forgive our setbacks and Renew, Rebuild and Restore us also. Isn’t it good to know, that even in our failures and denials, setbacks, worries and fears, that Jesus comes along side of us and reminds us “God isn’t finished with us yet”!!

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