JUNE 15, 2022

Psalm 25:14

The friendship of Yahweh is with those who fear him.
He will show them his covenant.

King David is the author of this psalm. Today's promise teaches us that God shares His secrets with those who fear Him. It is important that we know that the word 'fear' isn't intended to mean that we are afraid of God, rather that we revere Him and deeply respect His awesome power. As another translation puts our verse “ONLY those who stand in awe of the Eternal will have intimacy with Him and He will reveal His covenant to them.”

This promise captures a very intimate picture. What picture comes to mind for you? A parent taking time out from a busy day to put their arm around one of their little ones to share a secret with them. For me, the picture I have is of sitting in my Dad’s garage, just the two of us, having heart to heart conversations.

Isn't it incredible to think that this verse is saying that our God and Father wants to share His intimate secrets with us? A few weeks ago in our service on GEMS Sunday we were reminded that we are friends of God, that’s an amazing Bible truth! Our Creator God is always looking for those with whom He can share His heart with.

My prayer is that we will be able to quiet ourselves from all the distractions and noise of our day so that we might hear the gentle whispers of the “still, small voice” of our God as He confides in us the secret things of knowing him more completely.


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