

MARCH 11, 2022

For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. 
Some people, eager for money, 
have wandered from the faith
 and pierced themselves with many griefs. (I Timothy 6:10 NIV)

Interestingly, the Bible in general and Jesus in particular have a lot to say about money The Bible is full of wisdom about saving, investment, insurance, debt, budgeting and, of course, generosity.

The overwhelming message of scripture is God’s grace to an undeserving creation. And the consistent application of that grace for us is to challenge Jesus followers to analyze how we use our resources generously.

Our verse today needs to be read carefully, please notice it is not the cash that is the root of evil; it is rather our love of cash that is called the “root of evil.”

What we encounter in the scriptures is that we are the recipients of the amazing and overwhelming grace and generosity of God, and our response to this grace and generosity is gratitude. Out of this thankfulness flows lives of generosity. A generosity that overflows into the life of others.

Think back, to the Mitten Tree during December, the generosity to fill that tree to overflowing was a symbol of the generous hearts that you have. I think of the Food Collection we joined with Walkerville Baptist to donate to Drouillard Place. The Food Drive in late November in which the Fontainebleu Community joined with us and supported the Food Bank just up the street from us. Generous is what we are.

The Bible passage is cautioning us about the subtle allegiance of our love shifting from gratitude for Grace to a love of money and resources. Overall, the message in our Bible verse is to say that the love of money may be the root of all evil, but generosity with that money grows good fruit in our lives.

I want you to know that this is an area in my life that often is a battle. Is it for you too? I have, however learned that the more I let generosity to God’s grace fuel my life, the greater my life is filled with Joy and Peace.

If times are hard at the moment, spend some time in thought. Challenge yourself to look honestly at your giving attitudes:

Do you view it as 'your money', or God's?

How much would you like to be able to give, if you could?

What causes would you give to?

Pray about those things. If you find that you have a little loose change that accumulates each day, why not start a Giving Jar? When it's full, you can choose who to give it to.

As we learn generosity and how to handle money as recipients of grace, we make better and better decisions about finances in all areas of life. Money is not dirty cash – something that we separate out from our faith. Following Jesus affects everything, including how we spend, invest, borrow, and give.

Remember the Apostle Paul’s words in 2 Corinthians 9:7.

Each of you should give 
what you have decided in your heart to give, 
not reluctantly or under compulsion, 
for God loves a cheerful giver.



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