


DECEMBER 25, 2024

Colossians 1:19-20

For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross.

True peace, the peace that calms our souls and anchors us through every circumstance, begins with peace with God. In our world, peace is often sought through temporary fixes, distractions, or achievements. By comparison to the patterns of our culture, Colossians 1:19-20, explains that through Jesus Christ, God has made a way for us to be reconciled to Him. This peace, God's peace, not only calms current fears and worries but also transforms our whole relationship with God.

Finding peace with God, the Bible tells us, is realizing that sin has caused a separation between us and our Creator. Without Christ, humanity remains disconnected from experiencing the fullness of God's presence and joy. The Bible doesn't stop there, we further learn that through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, God made a way for us to be fully reconciled, removing the walls that sin erects that keeps us "far off" from God's peace. Placing our faith in Jesus, we are no longer separated for our loving creator, but brought into a relationship of loving acceptance as a child of God.

Jesus’ peace is especially powerful because it goes beyond just calming our fears; it breaks down the barriers dividing us from God and each other. Jesus has reconciled us to God through His sacrificial death on the cross.

Having peace with God doesn’t mean life will be without hardship, what it does provide is an inner assurance that we are not alone, that we are valued and precious, and that our future is held in God’s hands.

Living in Christ’s peace also transforms how we relate to others. This peace with God invites us to live differently. Knowing we are reconciled, we can extend grace to others, forgive more freely, and live with a confidence that radiates from God’s love within us.

Jesus calls us to be peacemakers, breaking down barriers and extending His love to those around us. When we embody this peace, what a witness it is, for we show that true peace is a gift received through Jesus, our Prince of Peace not through circumstances: quiet moments, resolved conflicts, or life’s calm spaces. These external sources are fleeting and can be disrupted at any moment. However, the peace that Christ offers is steady, enduring, and rooted in His nature. It is the kind of peace that remains through both joy and sorrow, victory and trial.

“Glory to God in the highest heaven,
and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.”

This concludes our series of devotions "HIS GOSPEL IS PEACE".

May the hope of God,
The peace of Christ,
And the joy of the Spirit.
Be with you. Amen

Have a Blessed Christmas Day!!

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