


DECEMBER 14, 2024

John 14:25-27

These things I have spoken to you while I am still with you. But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.

Did you notice that we are told that the Holy Spirit assists our memory, bringing to remembrance what Christ has said and done. The work of the Spirit of God has been likened to sitting next to your grandparents as they leaf through a photo album, narrating the past with each picture, unfolding your story, and reminding you of your identity. Rather than photos, however, the Holy Spirit uses promises, the promises of Jesus. Through the Spirit's work, we gain a deeper understanding of God as we listen to His words and recall that he has spoken his promises to us.

The Spirit brings peace. This isn’t peace like the world gives. This isn’t some moment of quiet or escape from the normal conflict of life. His peace is firm and lasting. This peace transcends all the conflict of life, surpassing understanding.  This peace is a gift: that embodies forgiveness and the mends relationships; it is a peace that dispels fear. Truth is this Biblical Peace represents what many long and search for during this season.

I have read that "if you want to find someone’s idol, you should follow their fears." Can I ask,  What do you fear? I wonder if we follow our fears, if we may uncover some idols. if we do that is Ok, that is the work of God's Spirit, it is a way the Spirit helps us. See the Holy Spirit casts out fear, our instinctual, frightened, here and now fear, and replaces it with the fear of God, which is faith. The Spirit ensures we are not held back by fear, for the Holy Spirit keeps us steadfast in Christ's embrace, an embrace that never falters, never fails us. This is the essence of peace.

Let's be real though, this doesn’t mean we never tremble or have late nights of fretting. Yet in these real moments, the Holy Spirit comes along side of us, as our helper and comforter and reminds us of God's good will toward us and that his promises are "Yes!" in Jesus Christ. 

May we find God where he’s promised to be; where he reveals himself in the advent of Christ. Remember what Christ has said and done. Take heart. Cling to Christ. Be taught. Be forgiven. Be renewed. Be at peace as your idols colapse and fall and the true God, by the Spirit, declares you his own, again and again. This is why Christ was born.

Lord Jesus, you have sent us your Spirit as you promised. Teach us all things and keep your person, words, and works always foremost in our memory, so that we live without fear and in peace.  Amen.

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