


May 2, 2024


Revelation 3:20

Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me.



When you can't see, how can you behold God?

The old saying "seeing is believing" can be true if you are willing to behold God in the things we can see. The beauty of nature, the kindness of a smile, the joy of children and grandchildren, a nice meal with long trusted friend. However, how do we behold God if we cannot see anything that would remind us of who He is? We have these moments in life don't we. When it seems like the cares of life pile up, in times of illness, or loss, or sudden change. 

Our reading from the book of Revelation today invites us to listen for God's knock and voice during those times that feel like God is silent. Revelation 3:20 invites us to welcome God's presence and friendship into our life situation. 

Not long ago I heard a beautiful story about an  older woman who spoke about God as an old, trusted friend. The way she rested in her friendship with God was so evident, to anyone who knew her.  When asked what advice she would give to a young believer, her answer was simple: read the Bible and pray as if you are sitting down and having a wonderful meal with God, knowing He is your best friend.

That is a wonderful image, don't you think? A meal with God, as with a trusted friend, letting the scripture speak God's word into our life, and our prayers as our response to God's voice. 

I must confess, I do not always feel the comforting presence of a trusted friend when I read the Bible and pray. Far too often my focus is on the cares of life, rather than on the one who lovingly cares about my life and wants nothing but the best for me.

I am trying to listen to behold God’s love in the words of the Bible, and to welcome God in quiet moments during my day with the simple words, something like "God, You are welcome in my life  please help me to behold you today." 

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