November 24, 2023

Titus 1:4

May God the Father and Christ Jesus our Savior give you grace and peace.

Of all the things you could ever wish upon someone, or of all the ways you could ever string words together and form a sentence to offer someone encouragement; these powerful words Paul uses to open his letter to Titus might just top the list.

May God give you grace and peace. These words, written long ago, are still a powerful encouragement for you today.

Grace – may you find favor with God, even when you don’t deserve it.

Peace – may you feel calm today, even in the midst of chaos.

Whatever you’re facing today, whatever is on your mind right now, whatever worry, uncertainty, or fear you may have; remember it is no match for the grace and peace of God.

Your faith in Jesus Christ is well placed, for he alone is the Savior of the world. The one who gives grace and peace to all who put their trust in him.

So today, receive these words, repeat them often, and let them sink down deep into your soul. Grace and peace.

Share them with those you encounter today, and may God give you grace and peace as you do.



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