


NOVEMBER 3, 2023

Pray these words from Matthew 5 slowly and reflectively as you begin today. 

“‘Our Father in heaven,

hallowed be your name,

your kingdom come,

your will be done,

on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us today our daily bread.

And forgive us our debts,

as we also have forgiven our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from the evil one.’” Amen.


Yesterday in our reflection, we looked at the experience of the exiled people of God during the Prophet Jeremiah’s time. It was suggested that this situation of exile raises important challenges for us today as Jesus followers. We noted three challenges for us to consider.

Today I would like to add three other challenges for us to think about.

Review from Yesterday.

1.       The Role of PRAYER.

2.       Engaging the HEART in prayer.

3.       Seeing the WORLD through GOD’S EYES.


Further Challenges


4. Partners with God. Intercessory prayer is a gift of grace, because of the ongoing ministry of intercession of Jesus Christ and the activity of the Holy Spirit. It is the humble yet confident awareness that we have access to the heart of God. According to Jacques Ellul, “Prayer is God inserting human initiative into the divine plan. It is through prayer that we are made ‘fellow workers for God.’” Intercessory prayer is not simply preparation for ministry. It is ministry. Through prayer we participate with God in fulfilling the divine purpose for the world.


5. How do we pray? Praying for peace requires that we pray within the boundaries of true peace. The spirit and composition of the Lord’s Prayer is a prayer for genuine and lasting peace on earth. The prayer of Jesus teaches that peace is assured where God’s name is hallowed, God’s kingdom is present, and God’s will is done. Peace flourishes where everyone has their portion of daily bread, receives, and extends forgiveness, and where evil is overcome. Perhaps, this is how we ought to pray for all humankind.


6. Praying with one another.  In the bible, the joining together of God’s people for worship and prayer has special significance. We believe it still does. According to Matthew 18:19-20, where the church is gathered, and is of one heart and mind with the purposes of Jesus, it experiences the presence and the authority of the living Christ in a unique way. I wonder if we, us Jesus’ worshippers, need to grow in our personal intercessory prayer but also grow as faith communities who are interceding for others for the world and its people, in our gatherings. Perhaps this is the foundation to being peacemakers that God calls us toward in our ministry.


Receive God’s Word of Blessing


You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation,

God’s own people,

that you may declare the wonderful deeds of God

who called you out of darkness into marvelous light.

Go into the world; live as God’s people,

through the grace of Jesus Christ

and the power of the Holy Spirit.

And may God,

who has shown us such love,

and given us such unfailing encouragement and so sure a hope,

encourage and strengthen you

in every good deed and word. Amen.




Look through a recent newspaper or online news site. Identify people, places, and situations that you might pray for. Spend time praying through the headlines and stories. (Maybe select 1 international story, 1 National story, and 1 Local story)


Take a Prayer Walk through your neighborhood or community park, or at the Mall near you. Stop to offer silent prayer for the various people and situations you encounter.

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