



NOVEMBER 22, 2023


Every morning I have a regular routine, like most of you do no doubt, my routine is to get up, make a coffee, grab my iPad and go to a news app I have installed. It is different kind of news app from others, it gives the news without spin or conspiracy theories, just facts and statements from all sides. They do not run a story with out checking the facts of a story. The app also has quizzes, and knowledge testers, you get points based on your answers, and faithfulness, every day participation earns you a streak, and you get extra points based on your consistency. The other morning as I was doing my routine, it occurred to me how disciplined I am to do this App every day. The thought went through my mind, are you as disciplined with spiritual things as you are with your App.

Have you ever had that little voice inside speak a question like that to you? I am sure we all have come to places in our lives where we have been distracted by other things and these things have replaced our care of our Spiritual journey, of staying close to Jesus.

Life can get crazy. We have so much going on whether it be work, school, family, friends, relationships and so much more. We get overwhelmed with everything going on in our lives that we hardly make time for things that are really important. We start to neglect things in life that are important because we say we “do not have time.” There is a saying, “you find time for what is important to you”, I believe we all know the truth of that. Yet, sometimes we give focus and time to the less important things.

This devotion is a bit of self confession, I suppose. Spending time with God is important to the highest degree, yet while we affirm this, it seems it is easy to excuse ourselves from this discipline. We have time to scroll through social media or watch Netflix or some other streaming platform, but when it comes to reading our Bible or spending quiet time with God we excuse ourselves on the basis of being “too busy.” Being busy is no excuse. We can pray when we are walking, or driving (eyes open praying), cleaning up after supper, we can listen worship music in the car, in our homes, we can read the Bible at breakfast, or before bed, or listen to the Bible being read on the many Apps and podcasts that are available. I guess the point I am making we can always find time to spend with Jesus.

Jesus said, “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”  Matthew 6:33

Martin Luther is recorded as saying that “the more I have do, the more I have to pray.” I wonder if that’s not a good approach to take when life is hectic and busy, what if to seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, results in the “these things” in our lives being more manageable, less stressful and overwhelming, because of God’s peace that comes from spending time in his presence.

So, on the day that little question went through my mind doing my App, guess what popped up in my inbox? An article that asked the question, “Are You Too Busy For Jesus? I got the message!!

Can I ask you today how you would answer this question? 
Are You Too Busy For Jesus?

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