


APRIL 18, 2023

JOHN 21:24-25


24 This is the disciple who testifies to these things and who wrote them down. We know that his testimony is true.

25 And there are also many other things that Jesus did, which, if every one of them were written down, I suppose not even the world itself could contain the books that would be written.



These are the final words of John’s Gospel. He wrote guided by the Holy Spirit, he wrote knowing every word to be true (v. 24).

At many points in the Gospel of John, we see its purpose stated outright. He tells us plainly that he recorded these things so that we would believe and, by believing, have life in Jesus’ name. The very first verse of John describes Jesus as the very Word of God. So, in a very real sense, to read these words is to encounter Jesus. Above, at the very final verse (v. 25), we see the results.

You know the fact that you are reading the Gospel of John at all is quite amazing. Jesus sent His disciples out and put them to work doing things like, well, writing the Gospels. He even prayed first for His disciples and then for everyone who would believe because of their testimony (John 17)! That means Jesus was praying for you, reader of John’s Gospel, in that moment!

Upon sending this writing out into the world, the disciple became a teacher, a rabbi, in his own right and put his readers to work just as Jesus had put him to work. So, the mission and purpose of John’s Gospel is a cycle. Jesus put John to work. John puts us to work. People believe John 3:16, and the cycle continues through to today until it now engages with you. So, what now? Does this cycle end with you?

We have inherited a costly and precious truth. People risked and lost their lives so that we could know it. Spread the word of Jesus’ resurrection yourself. I wonder if the reason the books of the world could not contain all the miracles of Jesus’ ministry (v. 25) is because He is alive and still miraculously changing lives today!

Know this, you are one of the miracles described in verse 25.  Thanks be to God!!

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