

 APRIL 26, 2023

JOHN 20:19-22

19 It was evening of the first day of the week. The followers had gathered together with the doors locked because they were afraid of the Jews. Jesus came and stood among them. He said, “May you have peace.” 20 When He had said this, He showed them His hands and His side. When the followers saw the Lord, they were filled with joy. 21 Then Jesus said to them again, “May you have peace. As the Father has sent Me, I also am sending you.” 22 When Jesus had said this, He breathed on them. He said, “Receive the Holy Spirit."

Yesterday we noted the disciples were calmed by Jesus presence, Jesus being there with them, changed their attitude, changed their situation, changed their behavior, and changed their world view.

The Jesus followers described to us in John 20 also were calmed by his words. For as He opened his mouth, He spoke the words, I give you peace. My peace, I give to you. The disciples were calmed by these words.

Take note, the circumstances didn't change. They were still very much in danger, and almost all of them, would go on to die deaths because of their commitment to Jesus. So, their fears actually came to pass, but they no longer had a reason to fear it. So, what they were facing didn't change, but the resources of his word in them was what changed them. He gave them the word peace.

The word Shalom is the idea Jesus is tapping into, and the idea of Shalom is a wholeness of well-being that comes from God giving you every good gift. Someone said that's how you could best define Shalom. When Jesus says, may God's peace be with you, Jesus is saying, may God give you every good gift, may God give you every good thing, may you be totally well spiritually and physically, may you in every way receive God's wholeness.

So far this week we have noticed that Easter People, WE, are calmed by his words, comforted by his presence.

May you welcome God’s presence into your life, and may God’s “Shalom” be yours. Amen.

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