OCTOBER 17, 2022

Genesis 3:8-10 

Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the Lord God among the trees of the garden. But the Lord God called to the man, “Where are you?” He answered, “I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid.

Have you ever felt like Adam and Eve did in this circumstance? They knew they had done the very thing God had commanded them NOT to do. And they, filled with shame and feeling exposed, hid from God.

Rather than going TO GOD, they went FROM GOD.

I believe it is easy for us to get in the mindset that we need to hide our sin from God. But these verses gives us insight into God’s heart on the matter of our "falling short," of when our choices do not line up with God's intent for us.

We see that God sought out Adam and Eve. He knew precisely what they had done and the shame they were feeling because of it. Yet in His love, God continued to pursue them by calling out to them "Where are you?"

God does the same for each of us.

I find this truth both beautiful and comforting. Our God is a God who seeks and pursues us out of love.

Once we are able to receive and experience that incredible grace from God, we have an amazing story to tell to others who may be in hiding from God. Fellow journeyers who need to know how much God loves them and that He pursues them with His grace and love.

Give this song a listen and let its message grab you.


Consider your experience of God’s love and grace for you. 

Do you need to come out of hiding and be reconciled to Him?

Who do you know that needs to know of this grace-filled love of God?



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