OCTOBER 20, 2022

Mark 1:17

“Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.”

Jesus’ invitation to fishermen Simon and his brother Andrew shows that, not only did Jesus seek them out, but He would also send them out to seek others. This week we have been looking at those that God seeks out and finding our story and experience of grace in the story of Adam and Eve, and the image of sheep and the Good Shepherd who gives his all to clear the way for us to return to our Loving God and our proper place at home in intimacy with our creator.

Experiencing this amazing grace, this life changing love, can be contagious. We want others to learn and discover this good news. The word contagious makes us think of spreading a virus, and the potential of making others ill. What if we were to think of being contagious in another way, what if we were talk about Contagious Christianity. Spreading the good news of God’s love in “word and deed.” Sharing our own story of grace, spreading a story that has the potential of making others well.

Jesus’ calling is never one dimensional. He seeks and heals, restores us that we may, in turn, use our influence, and be used by Him to seek and give hope to someone else. The way we often say it in our Jesus community is that we are “Saved to Serve.” It’s as simple as sharing with others what we have experienced in Christ. Sharing our story of “once I was lost, but now I am found.”


Perhaps a good exercise for us would be to think over our story and experience of grace. Reflecting on the highpoints and the low points, these form our story of God's grace and love in our lives. Maybe today as you reflect on that you might want to write down what comes to mind, or put in your notes app on your phone, and use these as part of the story you share at the Holy Spirits prompting.


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