


April 10, 2024

Acts 1:8

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

2 Corinthians 5:14

For Christ’s love compels us ....


We all have experiences that mark us. It seems impossible to explain who we are, and how we move through the world, without mentioning those moments.

For me it was a trauma I experienced at a young age. The supernatural healing of a family member who had a tumor disappear, leaving the Doctor’s without explanation. Marrying into a family that accepted me and loved me, so much so that I dropped “in law” from my language, they became Mom, Dad, sister, brother to me. In 1996 God picked me up in one Christian denomination and set me down in another Christian domination to pastor, for which I am grateful everyday.

I am a witness to those events in my life. You, also are a witness to the events which made you who you are today.

Following His resurrection, Jesus spent 40 days on earth, appearing to over 500 people and confirming His defeat of death. Before He ascended to heaven, He spoke a few final words to His disciples.

In Acts 1:8, Luke records Jesus announcing that the early disciples would be His witnesses. He told them they would head out from Jerusalem into Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.

One of things about Acts 1:8 that has really shaped my thought is the Greek word used in the verse for “Witness” translates as “martyr”. Martyr means “a witness.” When Jesus was preparing to leave his disciples and ascend to heaven, He said to them, “You will be martyrs.”

Truth is history reports that in the ancient Roman Empire, around the late 60s AD, many followers of Jesus died for their faith. They died in the Colosseum at the hands of lions. The Romans crucified them outside cities. Doused in oil, they burned at the stake to provide light for lavish parties.

These martyrs died because they confessed Jesus as Lord, not Caesar. Followers of Jesus refused to deny the resurrection of Jesus, unwilling to speak something they knew to be untrue.

For centuries, the word martyr has been used to describe someone who loses their life because of their faith or commitment to a cause. It has carried a negative connotation in some circles. However, you do not have to die to become a martyr. In truth, all of us are martyrs. We are witnesses to what we believe and what we value every day. In our jobs. With our family and friends. In our neighbourhoods. In our city and county. As I see it, you and me were martyr’s yesterday. We were a witness to what we believe and witnessed to why it mattered.

Remember, what we have been saying? Resurrection isn’t just a day on the calendar, the Easter message is the focal point of our faith. Our words and actions are influenced by our belief in the resurrection. For example, when we enter rooms, conversations, and relationships expecting God’s resurrection power to be at work in us and through us, believe me people can feel that. We are living as martyrs to the resurrection every day! I believe that when we take account of the things that shape us, and our personal experience of resurrection and new life, we live with great hope and expectation, and that is our “witness” that people notice.


God, fill me with Your Holy Spirit, Let my words carry the weight of Your love, So that those who listen may know Your heart. Lord Jesus, grant me the eloquence to share Your story of redemption and bear witness to Your sacrifice. Amen


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