March 6, 2024

Psalm 29:1, 2

“Give unto the LORD, O you mighty ones, give unto the LORD glory and strength. Give unto the LORD the glory due His Name; Worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness.”

Scripture reading: Psalm 29:1-11


We can describe King David in many ways, the shepherd, “giant slayer”, mighty warrior, the Great king. One might describe aspects of his character, after all King David embodies a combination of humility, courage, obedience, and compassion. How about describing David as the “worshipper” or the “worshipping King.” That is, David was consumed and enthusiastic about the worship of our holy God.

As you are aware, the Holy Spirit inspired David to write many psalms, these poems come from David’s heart and experience, and they all seek to exalt God. To direct his fellow worshippers to the God of creation. David’s psalms became the songs of worship for the gathered community. David loved to meditate on and engage in the worship of Almighty God and wanted to bring others to the place of spiritual focus that had been his strength over “many dangers, toils and snares.” The understanding that God was the King over the whole creation, and yet was present to be worshiped wherever one was overwhelmed King David.

We are incredibly blessed, don’t you think? For example, we get to worship God together surrounded by his presence as a community on Sundays at our church. Those are special moments indeed. It is a special blessing of God’s grace to worship Him with His people in His house. Yet, we must also not discount the truth that we can worship together united by the spirit through online videos or streaming or podcasts or in our quiet times. The Bible tells us that we should worship God in every circumstance of life continually.

We see in David’s story that he couldn’t always get to the worship gatherings of God’s people, just like some of us can’t for a variety of reasons, but he could enter into worship. We can “…give unto the LORD the glory due His Name.” where we are. Today is a day that we can enjoy the grace of worship. In Psalm 29, David directs us how we may “Give the LORD the glory due His name; how we may “Worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness.” The Psalm ends with a promise to the worshippers that “The Lord gives strength to his people; the Lord blesses his people with peace.”

Here I am to worship
Here I am to bow down
Here I am to say that You're my God


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