


March 5, 2024

Ruth 1:21

Why call me Naomi? The Lord has afflicted me; the Almighty has brought misfortune upon me.”

Scripture Reading: Ruth 1:1-22


Hard times come into the life of us Jesus followers. This reality can be troubling to a child of God. Somewhere along the way we have believed a narrative that says that the Christian life should be success after success with only joy and happiness. It’s one of those lies that the “enemy” attacks us with. Walking the path with Jesus Christ will include some real and serious hardships. In Jesus own story we see that even he, the Son of God, experienced battles. In Ruth 1, Naomi is in the midst of such a hardship. Think of what we know about her, she lost her husband, her only two sons, and the dream of finding relief in Moab. Now, she returns to Jerusalem carrying the weight of the burden of defeat and despair.

Have you ever felt that way? Have you carried “the weight of the burden of defeat and despair?” If so, and I expect most of us have, we can identify with Naomi. The hardships of her life, have her say in our reading “Don’t call me Naomi,” (Naomi means “pleasant”) she told them. “Call me Mara, (this name means “bitter”) because the Almighty has made my life very bitter. I went away full, but the Lord has brought me back empty. Why call me Naomi? The Lord has afflicted me; the Almighty has brought misfortune upon me.”

Let us think for a moment of Jesus experience of the “dark night of the soul.” He arrived at the Garden of Gethsemane entering a very dark valley, “the valley of the shadow of death”. Soon after Jesus faced the torturous cross, which were preceded by “fake” trials unlawfully held, and harsh beatings and ridicule. Then add to this that His disciples would abandon and forsake Him. We know also from his words from the cross that Jesus felt forsaken even by God the Father. Yet in all of these experiences, we discover God’s providence at work. On the other side of Jesus’ “dark valley”, we all experience God’s saving Grace!!

Now, if you know the story of the book of Ruth, you will remember that Naomi would eventually enter the most fruitful and joyful time of her life, but at the end of chapter one she could not see that. I believe its important for us to remember, Naomi’s story as she moved from bitterness (Mara)back to pleasant  (Naomi) because of God’s providential grace. Remember Jesus and all he endured for us and may we learn what the Apostle Paul learned “that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." (Romans 8:28)


With gratitude in our hearts, we lift our voices in praise. Your providence is woven into the fabric of our lives, a tapestry of grace and sustenance.

As we journey through life, may we remain open to your providence, whether it arrives as a gentle breeze or a mighty storm. Grant us the wisdom to see your hand at work, even in the ordinary moments.



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