

 APRIL 28, 2022

Mark 5:34

He said to her, “Daughter, your FAITH has healed you. Go in PEACE and be freed from your suffering.” 

Could you even imagine it? Twelve years.

For twelve years, this woman had been in a constant state of suffering. For twelve years, she had been suffering not only physically from her issue of blood, but also financially and socially. Her relationship with others, even her relationship with God, was defined by her physical ailment. She could not come into contact with those around her for fear of causing them to be ritually impure. She was unable to go to the Temple in order to connect with her God. Alone. Afraid. Broken. Cut Off.

Twelve years.

And then.

One day in close proximity to Jesus, she thinks. “If only I could get close enough to touch the fringe of his garment and I’ll be healed.” Pushing her way through the crowd, maybe crawling, her eyes see Jesus and seeing the fringe of his robe she reaches out, in fear mixed with faith.

We are told, immediately she was healed. Do not miss the fact that this story is not just about a Physically healing. This woman also experiences Emotional healing. Social healing. Everything in her life is made new again through the touch of faith and the power of Jesus.

But this is not the ending of this encounter. Jesus calls her out. “Who touched me?” I believe that Jesus question could be understood in this way, Jesus is saying, “Someone here in this crowd of people has faith. Someone here believes who I am.”

The woman, steps forward, in fear and trembling. She kneels at Jesus feet and pours out her story of 12 years of suffering.

Jesus says to her “Go in peace. You are free.”

The peace that Jesus speaks of is the peace of God we looked at yesterday in the Hebrew word shalom. Do you recall what we said? 

The Hebrew word for peace, shalom, means finished, fulfilled, perfected, completed, harmony with oneself and others, welfare, safety, universal flourishing, delight, and wholeness in life. 

Shalom is about freedom. Shalom is living in holistic restoration, every part of you made whole and new again in God. To have the shalom of God rest on you was to experience the life God intended all humankind to live in, one that was whole and free, redeemed, and restored.

So, this woman walked away from Jesus with much more than just her bleeding cured. She is noticed, affirmed, confirmed in her faith, and restored. “Daughter,” Jesus calls her. A term of endearment and affection and restored status. Daughter. And then he bids her go in peace, healed, restored, renewed beyond even her wildest dreams. She walked away with her entire life given back to her, every aspect made whole and free, just as it should be.


Where do you need the shalom of God to invade your life?

Where do you need your life restored to you?

What broken places do you need made whole again?


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