


APRIL 5, 2022

John Calvin called the Psalms “an anatomy of all parts of the soul.” It’s an apt description. The Psalms contain the whole range of human emotion—from grief to joy, from hatred to compassion, from doubt to praise.

I have always found the Psalms to give me words that seem to address where I am in my faith journey, or unpack an attitiude or action that I have suppressed that I need to deal with, or, perhaps most importantly words to help me in my prayer life as I engage in communication with the Creator of all things. Psalm 139 is one of those Psalms, lets reflect on this one today.

Psalm 139

23 Search me, God, and know my heart;
test me and know my anxious thoughts.
24 See if there is any offensive way in me,
and lead me in the way everlasting.

David seems so courageous to me in this prayer above. He wanted to analyze his motives and behavior, asking God to guide him and help him see what thoughts or actions did not align fully with God’s thoughts and desires for him. He is so brave, don't you think? Why would David ask God to do this? Well, I believe it is that David understood the way that life and our response to life's experiences, our actions, attitudes and decisions can result in a separation from God. I believe that was the last thing David wanted.

I call David courageous and brave, because at many times in my life, see if this true for you, I fear what God might point to in my life, to ask God to search me (US) can be an uncomfortable prayer. You see, what I note in David's prayer and what challenges me, is that he seems to know that he has nothing to fear in allowing God to search his heart. That isn't because he thinks he has things spiritually together, and that he felt there was nothing offensive in him, but he can pray these words and open himself up to God's searching because of his knowledge and experience of God as a loving, merciful, and gracious creator.

I wonder if the "faith lesson" from these verses in Psalm 139 are to remind us to not be afraid to invite God to explore our heart, mind, and spirit. God loves Us, and longs for a more intimate and close relationship with all of us. 


Ask God to search you. Then, sit and wait long enough for God to point out what you need to see and work on. God will lovingly help you transform and will lead you along the right pathway, bringing hope and joy to your journey through life.


Lord, you know me better than I know myself. Search the deepest parts of my heart for anything that is hindering who you created me to be. Examine my attitudes and actions. Show me what needs to be transformed and help me to change it so that I will not only be closer to you, but will also be able to go where you lead me and do what you are calling me to do. Amen.


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